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Maturity : the advice for the oral

And ' the last step in the school leaving examination but also the most feared because , alone in front of the commission, many factors come into play : the preparation , of course, but also the excitement and nervousness. Here's how to handle all of these factors and be able to face the interview in the best way , to make it clear to all the teachers of the Committee on its maturity and preparation in individual subjects. You should try to get to this appointment shiny and refreshed

The interview - but let's face it , it is a real question ! - Is the last hurdle of the examination for this maturity 2013. Lasts an average of about 40 minutes (but can take less if the commission is a lot more tired or if the committee is particularly picky) . As for the other tests , you need to get to this stage transparencies and rested. The first thing that you will be asked is to illustrate the path multidisciplinary agreed with your teacher and on which you have worked so far . Start with a topic that is familiar to you is a good starting point everything to your advantage.


Before starting the exposure, however, will be useful to distribute to each member a map of your route so that your audience can follow most of your speech.


Oral exam maturity 2013
Terminata the exposure of the thesis and the related questions of the commission on your work, the questions begin free . At this point you should have become familiar with the Commissioners and , probably , you will be more relaxed. The query will continue on topics that will choose the commissioners . Vocational institutes the interview can also be carried out at practical experiences related studies. In the last phase of the interview is back on the written tests carried out in the previous days. For this reason it is helpful to review the matters to those tests , identify the mistakes and know how to prove correct .
Maturity : the advice for the oral
And ' the last step in the school leaving examination but also the most feared because , alone in front of the commission, many factors come into play : the preparation , of course, but also the excitement and nervousness. Here's how to handle all of these factors and be able to face the interview in the best way , to make it clear to all the teachers of the Committee on its maturity and preparation in individual subjects. You should try to get to this appointment shiny and refreshed

The interview - but let's face it , it is a real question ! - Is the last hurdle of the examination for this maturity 2013. Lasts an average of about 40 minutes (but can take less if the commission is a lot more tired or if the committee is particularly picky) . As for the other tests , you need to get to this stage transparencies and rested. The first thing that you will be asked is to illustrate the path multidisciplinary agreed with your teacher and on which you have worked so far . Start with a topic that is familiar to you is a good starting point everything to your advantage.

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