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Preparing for an exam . How to effectively prepare for an exam : The advice of mentors

The exam session is approaching , the period most feared by the students.

After attending courses and taking notes, now you have to open the books, begin with studying and preparing for an exam .

Prepare and take an exam is not always easy. So many books, a lot of information to be stored , various topics to learn.

       Many students often find it extremely difficult to prepare for an exam . Failing to meet deadlines and the curriculum may compromise the academic career and makes them accumulate examinations on exams , making things even more difficult .

Sometimes the situation is so serious for students preparing for an exam , instead of studying and engaging , they buy the exam. Often you hear of examinations for sale , students who prefer a more simple route and professors complacent reach an agreement. Pass an examination behind a cash payment, even sometimes you can get to pay an exam with physical performance . The sale of examination or graduation is something immoral , as well as being something illegal and punishable by law .

For those students who want to pass the exams " traditionally " and not to compromise with anyone, we have some great advice . Everyone has their own method to prepare an exam, but there are some tips that you can follow and that can allow any student to prepare for an exam in the best way and with the best results.

Tutor service
In all Italian universities are tutors , figures that can provide a huge help in preparing for an exam in the correct manner . Tutors can be either of the professors of the degree course is of the older students and experts who give advice to new students . To illustrate the tutor and its usefulness we interviewed two professors , both tutor of a degree course .

Laura D' Aniello tutor of Master of Science in School Psychology and Community at the University of Bologna

There are many students who come to you for advice on how to prepare for an exam ?

The tutor was defined as a point of reference for students and as a link between them and the teachers . There are many demands and may include educational activities in the broadest sense : how to prepare for an exam, where to find teaching materials (such as reference books ) , how to face an examination whether it is on an educational nature, laboratories , the final examination.

Tutor for students
The universities also
allow students to "older " to become a tutor. What is the procedure to follow to become a tutor and help in preparing for an exam ?

Students , as well as to use the various services offered by the tutors have the opportunity to participate in tenders to carry out tutoring. It ' important to note that there are different types of tutors : now, in fact , the order requires the presence of several figures that deal with business features and characteristics, for each of which there are competences, skills and training. These criteria are established , year after year , through appropriate contract that defines the requirements to apply for and participate in the selection based on qualifications and interviews, for the various roles.

Clearly, the requirements vary depending on the type of mentoring for which you intend to apply .

Specifically , there are distinct figures that are involved in: preparing for an exam , reception and orientation , both for the school and for the premises of the halls of residence , orientation training , and , where required, are present figures to support students with disabilities and dyslexic . Then there is the figure of the tutor of the course of study that deals with all-round learning activities as well as being a reference point and liaison between students and teachers, accompanies academic career by providing support , identifying any issues related to the study , maintaining contacts consistent with the students , particularly those which present difficulties ( for various reasons , such as work activities to concurrent course of study ) compared to the examinations and programming of their college career.

What are the advantages that can receive a struggling student by a tutor ?

The advantages are to have a dedicated figure that provides support and continuous support , which performs the function of "filter " in cases where students do not know whom to turn to their concerns or requests for clarification with respect to everything that concerns the ' coursework. In addition, the tutor plays a key intermediary in those situations in which students are unable to come into contact with the teachers (often for fear of approaching them in a more direct way ) . In any case, you can refer to the tutor for both general issues that create difficulties for all students , whether to request availability for individual problems and identify, together , a custom solution.

Maria Luisa Suprani tutor CDL degree in Philosophical Sciences , University of Bologna


There are many students who come to you for advice on how to prepare for an exam ?

Are different, often not attending . I suggest them to contact the teacher well in advance of reference, especially to allow them to fill gaps in knowledge and uncertainties dispel possible before tackling the ' exams.

This helps to increase the chances to meet deadlines under the canonical course of study.

The universities also allow students to "older " to become a tutor. What is the procedure to follow in order to become a tutor ?

Participate in competitions , having both a clear picture of the problems that you may encounter both proposals (perhaps experienced : the years can sometimes be an advantage !) To verify.

In the interview proposals may become the decisive factor .

What are the advantages that can receive a struggling student from a Tutor ?

The Tutor will require above all a problem solver skills : knowing how to listen to the students , to become able to grasp their problem hidden behind an apparent critical . Often the sense of inadequacy that can be found in the interview hides a lack of confidence. Devise a solution with the student and the teacher (it is my habit to constantly address the students by the teachers for addressing of receipt and, above all, from the beginning, a problem which, if neglected , could affect the preparation slowing the pace ) is a of the main aspects of teaching support .

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